How can I change the engine oil by myself?

How can I change the engine oil by myself? Here is a basic guide on how to change your engine oil by yourself: Gather necessary materials: oil filter wrench, new oil filter, new oil (correct type and amount for your vehicle), and a drain pan or container. Locate the oil...
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List of all the sensors on board a car?

Here is a list of common sensors found on modern cars: Accelerometer Air flow sensor Camshaft position sensor Crankshaft position sensor Engine oil temperature sensor Fuel level sensor Fuel pressure sensor Knock sensor Mass airflow sensor Oxygen sensor Parking assist sensor Radar sensor Rear view camera Speed sensor Steering angle...
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How do you know that the car has engine problems?

Car engine problems? There aresigns that a car may have engine problems. Some common indications include: strange noises coming from the engine, difficulty starting the car, a decrease in power or acceleration  and driving, the check engine light turning on (yellow or red), and an increase in fuel consumption. There...
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How to drive when kids are into the car ?

When driving with kids in the car, it is important to ensure their safety by properly securing them in car seats or seat belts that are appropriate for their age, weight, and height. It is also important to be extra cautious and aware of your surroundings, as children can be...
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5 Tips on Restoring a Vintage Car

Vintage cars are a piece of history that should be preserved. Not only are they beautiful works of art, but they also hold a lot of sentimental value for their owners. If you’re lucky enough to have one in your garage, it’s important to take good care of it and...
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EuroNCAP News: Final year release with 14 cars reflects 2022

Final year release with 14 cars reflects 2022, as new protocol upgrades are just around the corner Euro NCAP releases results for its final group of cars for 2022. Only three of the 14 cars tested did not achieve the consumer safety organisation’s maximum five-star safety rating. Reflecting the diversity...
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6 Tips for Getting Your Truck Ready for Winter

Winter is here once again, which can spell trouble for your diesel engine. Gas-powered vehicles tend to be unaffected by cold weather because they use spark plugs to trigger the combustion process, which turns the fuel into mechanical energy. But diesel engines use extreme heat to generate even more power....
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