A car might seem like a robust piece of kit, but underneath it is full of intricate structures that could break in a heartbeat. But, they don’t, because car manufacturers have mastered the art of making sure a car will run perfectly, without any issues, for such a long period of time.
So, why would a car unexpedly break if it was built to be so robust and long lasting. Well, 90% of the time it’s the person behind the wheel that is at fault. As much as people don’t like to admit it, some are just terrible drivers, and terrible driving leads to bad decisions that can greatly affect how the car is ran. So, if you feel as though you’re not the reason why your car is breaking, we’ve got a few reasons that you should you why you are. Have a read on to find out more.
Fast Driving
Fast driving is one of the main reasons why a car gets run to the ground, so why do people who chose to drive around quick think that they’re not the issue? Well, they have a bit of car blindness.
They believe that although their driving is fast, it’s still good. Wrong, one of the main ways a driver will go fast is by putting their foot down, causing the rev meter to shoot up. A quick driver also has to break sharply, meaning the brake pads wear out so much quicker than they would on a normal car.
Whilst all of these problem would be fixable in the end, they would come with a nasty cost. Driving quick puts so much pressure on so many different systems, so try and be economical when you’re driving around. If you let the rev counter go above 3000rpm, you’re going to start causing damage, and more importantly you’re going to be wasting a hell of a lot of fuel.
Careless Driving
Careless driving not only puts you and other people in danger, but it also puts your car at risk of breaking, or at least having some minor faults.
For example, so many people chose to have their foot planted firmly on the break, rather than using the handbrake when waiting to do a hill start.
It wears out the breaks and the brake pads, and could cause some serious damage as time goes on. When this does happen, you’re going to need to visit an Auto Repair shop to try and get the damage sorted. You should expect to pay anything from the low hundreds and above for a fix like this. When money is already tight from owning a car, this is the last thing that you want.
Ignoring Warning Signs
Your car literally gives you warning signs to make sure that you know something is wrong. But people continue to ignore such signs as they don’t feel it’s serious if the car is still running fine. The major one to get ignored for a long period of time is the check engine light.
Whilst it might just be an electrical fault causing the symbol to appear, it could be something more sinister that is getting worse and worse the longer you leave it. Always get things checked out!