What Every Driver Should Do After An Accident
Car crashes are one of the most frightening events a driver could encounter while on the road. Knowing what to do directly after it happens can save someone time as well as money in this hectic situation.
Call 911
If the driver is able to reach a smartphone, their first action should be to call 911. Some vehicles feature special systems to detect accidents and will make the call instead. Check with the user manual to determine if this is possible before an incident occurs. Looking for details after an accident is not recommended.
Medical Concerns
Drivers should ensure that they are without any medical injuries. This also extends to any passengers in the vehicle. Keep in mind that some injuries may be internal.
Leaving the Vehicle
The driver should carefully remove their seat belt first. If anyone else in the vehicle needs help, assist them afterwards. Slowly open the door to gauge any outside damage to the vehicle. If the door does not open, try using the passenger side of the vehicle. Tools are also available to break glass if no doors work properly.
Engaging Other Drivers
If it is safe to leave the vehicle, try to check on the other driver as well as any passengers that may be in their vehicle. For accidents with no injuries, drivers can begin the process of exchanging insurance information. According to CNN, some insurers may come to the accident scene while everyone is still there.
Give a Full Statement to Law Enforcement Officials
Police officers as well as any other law enforcement representatives will need a full statement. Drivers usually fill out a form that includes name and address as well as a full statement about the entire incident. These papers are easy to understand, but officials can guide everyone through the process. If they are not otherwise engaged with events surrounding the incident, feel free to ask questions.
Record the Scene
Use a phone or a disposable camera to record the entire scene. Try to get as many details as possible, but avoid getting involved in a dangerous situation. Insurance agents will require any media after the accident as they consider paying claims, so be as thorough as possible.
Towing Services
Make sure that a towing service provides all details about the location they will be bringing the vehicle to and any costs that may occur before committing to their services. Less than reputable companies or individuals may try to take advantage of the situation, so do not be afraid to ask questions.
Finding a New or Used Vehicle
Users look at websites such as carsforcash.com when deciding what their next vehicle will be if their current car or truck was irreparably damaged in an accident. Many will find that they are looking for a new make and model.
The proper procedures ensure that car accidents do not become more serious. Keep a card with this information in every vehicle to remind every occupant of what to do if one occurs. These simple steps will help simplify every moment of this often traumatic experience.