What could be the color spots (green, pink, black or brown) under the car?
There could be a variety of reasons for color spots under a car, such as oil leaks, transmission fluid leaks, coolant leaks, or brake fluid leaks. The color of the spots can also give clues as to the source of the leak. For example, oil leaks can leave black or brown spots, while transmission fluid leaks can leave red or brown spots.
The black or brown color spots under a car could be oil or grease leaks from the engine or transmission. It could also be brake dust or road grime that has accumulated on the undercarriage of the vehicle. If the spots are oily or greasy and appear to be coming from a specific area, it may be a sign of a mechanical issue that needs to be addressed by a mechanic. If the spots are simply road grime, they can be removed with regular washing and cleaning of the undercarriage.
Additionally, if the spots are green, it could indicate a coolant leak, and if the spots are clear or yellow, it could indicate a power steering fluid leak.
The green color spots under a car could be caused by a variety of things, including:
- Leaking coolant: If the car has a coolant leak, it can result in green spots on the ground under the car.
- Battery leakage: If the car’s battery is leaking, it can also cause green spots on the ground.
- Moss or algae growth: If the car is parked in a damp or humid area, moss or algae can grow on the undercarriage and cause green spots.
- Rust or corrosion: If the car is old or has been exposed to salt or other corrosive materials, it may develop rust or corrosion, which can also appear as green spots.
- Oil leak: If the car has an oil leak, it can also cause green spots on the ground under the car.
It is important to have a professional check it out and identify the source of the green spots to ensure proper care of your vehicle. It is recommended to have it checked to determine the cause.