Wacky Races! Weird & Wonderful Driving Laws Around The World
Driving is an adventure like no other, especially after you have passed your test. You may think that all this time spent studying the Highway Code means that you know pretty much all there is to know about the rules of the road. However, there are many weird and wonderful traffic laws that vary from country to country, and state to state. So let’s have a look at a few of them.
Your Headlights Have To Be Used 24 Hours A Day (In Sweden)
This may sound very strange, and Sweden isn’t even part of the Arctic Circle, so it’s not like they have extended periods of Darkness. You need to have your headlights on at all times.
You Can’t Drive With Thick Glasses In California!
California has plenty of useful laws for their cars, from something like the Lemon Law, which helps people claim back a refund for a faulty vehicle, more on this on http://nealefhima.com/lemon-law/, but driving without thick glasses is a law that is completely bonkers! According to the vehicle code section 23120, people that drive a car and wear glasses can’t have temple width of half an inch or more. So you may want to put those trendy geeky hipster glasses in the glove box if you’re heading down that way!
In Georgia, You Can’t Drive Through Playgrounds
Yes, it may be common sense that you shouldn’t drive through playgrounds, but if you ever ventured into Georgia and fancied doing a few doughnuts by the swings, you now know that you are prohibited from doing so! You have been warned!
Don’t Honk Someone Else’s Car Horn In Missouri
It’s illegal in University City, Missouri to honk someone else’s car horn, either when the vehicle is in motion or not. If you find yourself a passenger in a Missouri native’s car, and they’ve just pulled up to their house and ran in for something quick while the engine is running, you’d best shout for them!
No Eating While Driving In Cyprus
They take it as seriously as operating a mobile phone there. If you are caught, you will get 2 to 4 penalty points and a fine of €85. And to put it in perspective, if you reach 12 points on your license, you can get it suspended. Food in Cyprus is particularly tasty and consists of a lot of tapas, so it makes a lot of sense to not try and eat feta cheese and olives while driving!
Don’t Run Out Of Gas In Ohio
In Youngstown, Ohio a law was passed making running out of gas a misdemeanor. And if you are caught, you could get a ticket. Of course, it wouldn’t be hard to be caught, it’s not like you can drive away! And while running out of gas anyway is incredibly frustrating, you had better make sure you check your gauge before driving through Youngstown.
Make Sure Your Tires Are Clean In Minnesota
It is a “public nuisance” to drive in Minnetonka, Minnesota with dirty tires, and it’s also illegal. If your vehicle is seen to deposit any type of dirt, from mud to garbage, you can be fined up to $2,000!
If You Go To Maryland, Don’t Swear From Your Car!
That’s right! If you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, it is considered to be a misdemeanor if anybody can hear you. So if you suffer from extreme road rage, you had better make sure you wind your window up and keep your volume down. Besides, road rage is a very unhealthy habit, and this law, as ludicrous as it may sound, may be a strong contribution towards people driving their vehicles with a healthier attitude.
In California, Don’t Jump Out Of A Moving Vehicle!
Specifically, in Glendale, California it is illegal, and while you may fancy doing a low budget remake of the Keanu Reeves movie Speed, it’s pretty dangerous to jump out of a moving car at any speed, so don’t do it!
Keep Your Number Plates Clean In The UK
Mainly, in the UK, the laws seem pretty sound, and even these at http://www.kentlive.news/ seem to come from a purely road safety perspective, except for maybe number 9! In Britain, it’s an offence to drive a vehicle with a dirty number plate on a public road. So make the most of the numerous car washes there! Or just drive around a lot in the rainy British weather and give the number plate a wipe down! Actually, just go to the car wash!
As you can see, it’s not just car safety that’s a priority in many countries, but there are many weird and wonderful rules when it comes to driving in countries around the world. And to save the best until last, in Denmark drivers are legally obliged to check that there isn’t a dead body wedged underneath the vehicle before driving off! So keep your eyes peeled for that errant corpse!