Various Benefits Provided By HGV Driver Jobs

Various Benefits Provided By HGV Driver Jobs

In the UK, it perhaps baffles many why a growing number of job seekers are looking into driving for a living — not race car driving, of course, but rather driving those massive lorries that tend to occupy an entire country road.

Well, it’s not a bad career choice, for the UK is definitely so much better than a lot of countries (like Nepal and China, where not only the roads are described as among the worst in the world, but the so-called professional drivers are also often impatient and reckless because they wish to get more work done in a short span of time).

It’s quite common among these drivers to zoom through the country’s treacherous streets so they can get to another job to be able to make up for their often low wages.

The Heavy Goods Vehicles or HGV driver jobs offered in the UK, first of all, are really lucrative sources of income; in fact, during the global economic slump, even white collar professionals took on these professional driving jobs to augment their income and better secure their finances.

The investment in receiving training and procuring important requirements to become certified or qualified is just a small fraction of the pay they can get for an important “delivery” job. Statistics reveal that HGV drivers with Category C+ licences can expect an annual salary of as much as £30,000 – that’s much higher than what most office employees get in a year. Worth noting as well is how many of today’s folks already have solid driving skills and are decent drivers to begin with, so upgrading their licences to become eligible for HGV driving jobs is rarely a problem.

Another important advantage with these jobs is that there’s a steady demand to fill. With the need of various industries to become mobile, delivering services and products is already part of their daily operations. Likewise, as long as big companies need supplies and products to be delivered to them and from them, HGV drivers will always have a secure income generator.

In addition to those, many of these professional drivers claim that they enjoy being able to see different parts of the country. There’s something very enriching about going to a new place and seeing its own culture, the people’s way of life, and meeting new friends in the process.

Now for those who like to stay close to home, they actually have the option to turn down certain jobs (well, unless they are directly employed by a company). Also, they can choose local routes if family dynamics require them to be closer to home.

Lastly, years of experience in driving mega-trucks can create other income opportunities like branching out into a mobile business such as a restaurant, a boutique, bookstores, and salons on wheels, which are all quite popular nowadays.

Author’s bio – Dav Wayman is a car enthusiast. At such a young age, he has already attended close to a thousand car shows. To further intensify his knowledge in cars, he took a short course in Automotive. He is currently working for a car magazine and his column is about the latest automotive models available in the market as well as any issues concerning driving. He provides helpful insights to readers and now talks about driving jobs and getting licenses.

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