If you are a car enthusiast, then you have without-a-doubt coveted a vehicle once that you just couldn’t own.
Whether it was too expensive or it just wasn’t the right time, chances are it broke your heart every time you saw one on the road or up for sale. For some, it may be a classic muscle car like a ’68 Chevy Camaro, while for others it may be a more recent Maserati or a Lotus.
There are tons of tips and articles out there to help you through purchasing your first classic car, but what if you want to purchase a used exotic car? What should you look for and what should you be weary of?
Is it Worth it?
For starters, you may be asking yourself if it is even worth it to buy a used exotic car. After all, if you are going to spend the money on a sexy car you want it to be worth it, right?
That’s definitely true, but you can get a used exotic car for much less money and still carry around that sex appeal. You just have to know where to look- and be aware of what you are getting yourself into.
So, take a minute and read up on these tips so you can be on your way to owning that exotic car you have always dreamed of driving.
1.Understand what you are in store for
If you’re planning on making this exotic car your primary vehicle, then you have to think about where you live. As you should already know, exotic cars are not the most spacious or weather-friendly vehicles.
If you live in Chicago and plan on solely driving this car, you may want to think a little harder about that and certainly be prepared for how to deal with the snow in the winter.
On top of that, any kind of used car is going to need some good upkeep. You can save a lot of money if you can maintain most of the small things yourself.
You should know a bit about cars and how they work so that you can maintain your new purchase to the best of your ability.
2. Know how much parts cost
As mentioned above, used cars will come with some upkeep and sometimes you will need to replace parts.
If you have ever owned a BMW or even a VW, then you know how expensive parts can be. If you are looking into an exotic car parts will be even more expensive.
While the overall price of the car has gone down, the parts are still the same. You absolutely must keep this in mind before spending the money and purchasing a used exotic car.
3. Research insurance rates
No matter if it’s new or used, the insurance rates for exotic cars tend to be pretty high. After all, most of these vehicles aren’t Sunday cruisers, they are cars that pack a lot of heat. On top of that they cost a lot to repair. Therefore, insurance rates rise when you purchase one. Be sure to add the cost of insurance to your overall budget before seeking out and purchasing a particular car.
4. Do your research
Before you decide to say, “Yes!” to purchasing a car, make sure you have done your research. You should know everything you can about the car you are looking to purchase, but also what to expect out of this particular make and model. What are the most common issues? What did people love- and what did they hate- about owning the car? Are you really getting the best deal? These are all questions you need to ask yourself, and you can only answer them through thorough research. Be sure to do your homework before laying down any cash.
Buying an exotic car, even a used one, is exciting. Especially if you have been saving your money to make the purchase. You don’t want to find out that the car you bought was a complete dud. Keep these tips in mind and remember to do your homework before purchasing anything.
Happy driving! … and drive safe!
Article sent and written by Nicole Nicholson, an exotic and classic automobile enthusiast from Montway Auto Transport. Montway is an award-winning, five-star customer-rated auto mover based in Chicago, IL. They’ve worked hard to earn the trust and respect of classic car collectors, dealers, and everyday automotive aficionados alike by providing safe and secure, door-to-door services and instant vehicle shipping quotes. Montway has been transporting exotic and classic vehicles< since they started in 2006.