Topic: Tips for safe driving
Driving a car, or getting run over by one, is still one of the most popular ways to get killed in the modern world.
1. Don’t Have Your Car Visible Anywhere in Your Mirrors – This is one of those things that takes next to zero effort to do right, but that almost everyone does wrong.
2. Pay More Attention to Traffic Than Road Signs – If you saw someone blow past a yield sign into traffic and vanish in an explosion of steel and glass not unlike one of the Iron Giant’s volcanic diarrheas, you’d be tempted to blame the crash on the driver who ignored the road sign.
3. Listening to techno makes your driveing worse – Every car comes with a stereo and speakers, but you don’t find much in driving manuals about what you should or shouldn’t do with them. So it’s easy to assume that it’s safe to bump some jams while driving, as long as you’re focused on the road and not constantly messing with the knobs or looking at yourself in the rearview mirror while you’re singing. But research shows that your tunes are probably making you a worse driver, even if you just like a little ambient music in your Prelude.