Tis But A Scratch…Or Is It? How To Keep A New Car Newer For Longer
But it’s brand new, how could it possibly depreciate so fast? Many new car owners make the mistake of believing modern cars are impervious to the elements both externally and internally. However, this is just not the case, as although admittedly, new cars are a lot stronger than previous decades ago, you do need to keep a constant eye on their health. The ritual of breaking a car in, when you have just bought it, is a rite of passage, for the manufacturer, the car, and the driver. You’ll be using the technology for the first time, and getting used to how she purrs and what does and doesn’t like when thrashed around the street. In truth, the breaking in phase is very short lived as modern cars have great designs which are able to handle the pressure of acceleration, braking and shifting gears with a lot more vigor than you might think. But, what is a long term duty, is to maintain the car at a high standard if you want to keep your new car, newer, for longer.
Tyre pressure
Even though it should be part of the deal, you cannot rely on the dealer from which you bought the car from, to maintain every single thing of the car before you buy it. It’s a commonplace for new cars not to have the correct tyre pressure for the roads you drive on, as companies are more comfortable with setting an average number on the models before they ship them out. It turns to you to maintain the correct tyre pressure for your vehicle. Rather than relying on the manufacturer, calculate the brand of tyre you have, with the weight of the car to get the right PSI number. There are online sources which you can use to help you in this endeavor.
Paint preservation
We all know it, but part of buying a new car is because you want to the benefit of looking in shop windows and seeing your reflection in a hot, new flashy car. At the showroom, the cars are continuously polished so the lights can gleam off their surface, accentuating the curves and make them more attractive to buyers. However, when you get the car home, wash it with lukewarm water and a high-quality car shampoo. Next, treat the car with a nutritious polish that works to protect the paint. After this layer has dried, next you should put on a protective polish that braves the elements such as salt, rain, hail, snow, and mud. This outer layer will keep the car’s paint from wearing and tearing, prolonging that new car shine.
Glass corrections
Modern cars have evolved to have fantastic windscreens that not only reflect sunlight away from the driver’s’ eyes but also keep the car better insulated from the cold. However, they just as easily able to be damaged by a flicking stone and pebble from the car in front of you on the highway. As the angle of modern cars has become more streamlined, the windshields are also more expensive to produce and repair. You can, however, instantly get a windshield or auto glass replacement quote, with professional staff who are able to properly assess damage and offer quick solutions. A crack over time can enlarge, simply by expanding and contracting due to changes in temperature. It’s also dangerous for glass shards to enter into the car, as it can not only harm the driver but damage the interior upholstery too.
Lubricate some parts
There are some components of the car you should use lubricating oil to maintain the proper efficiency and support the motion of the parts. The chassis joinings could do with a little grease smeared over the bearing and fittings. The chassis is often overlooked by many owners because they understand the importance it holds. And, that’s just it, it holds everything together, regarding the top, bottom, and ends of the car’s shape and size. The door hinges should also be lubricated so that the doors don’t feel heavy or get frozen stiff on a cold day. Other joinings such as the trunk and the hood, whether the mechanisms meet to hold the weight of the doors down, should also be greased to stop them from becoming latched.
Buying a new car is a great experience because you’re buying something that gives your pleasure and yet it’s also functional and adds to your life. New cars can quickly depreciate if you allow yourself to be fooled by the mythical folklore that modern cars are impermeable. You need to make a conscious effort to take care of your new car, so it stays new for longer.