The Things You Should Be Doing Right Now To Look After Your Car
Your car needs care. That much is true. If you don’t look after your vehicle, it’s not only going to stop running, but an accident could occur at the worst possible time.
The truth is, if you choose not to look after your car, you’re risking more than just the safety of your vehicle. Worn tyres and brake pads can be a disaster and cause you some serious damage.
We wrote about road accidents earlier, and it is true – most accidents can be prevented. From taking distractions out of the cabin of your car to some basic maintenance, there are a lot of things you can do right now to look after your car – so it can take care of you.
Firstly, there are two big things you can do right now to ensure your car is running safely. Check the tyres and brakes. The tyres are keeping your car pinned to the road, and they dictate every single maneuver you perform. If your tyres tell you that you can’t perform a turn, you’ll certainly know about it. Check the treads for wear and change if they are overly worn.
Brakes eventually become worn out – this is because they rely on friction to stop your car. The science behind friction? It wears things out. If your brakes are worn, your car will be slower to stop, and this could lead to an accident that you could avoid. Get the brake pads of your vehicle checked out at an auto repair store now and again to ensure that you don’t encounter any issues when stopping your automobile.
As well as the tyres and brake pads, there are a lot of smaller parts that keep your car running. Let’s talk about the air filter, oil and spark plugs. Your air filter acts as your cars lungs. If your lungs are full of dirt and smoke, can you run a marathon? No. The same goes with your car, and you might find it start to perform sluggishly if the air filter is clogged to the brim with grime.
The same goes for the oil; the oil floats around your engine – lubricating the motor as it goes. If the oil is full of filth, it’s going to jam your engine up with oil. That’s a disaster waiting to happen. The spark plugs ignite the fuel of your engine, and they won’t be doing any igniting if they are worn and dirty. Replace these three parts on a regular basis to keep your car in good health.
Lastly, when your car is in good health (and clean), keep it that way. It’s much easier to maintain a car than repair it, and while you good find yourself cleaning up fluff and dust for a few weeks, it’s better than getting knee deep in muck. Do your safety checks right now, get your car clean, get it repaired and keep it in good condition!