You love your dirt bike. You love the freedom you get when zooming through nature or tackling a course. There’s nothing quite like getting out of the house and feeling some speed. You do what you can to ensure that your dirt bike engine lasts for as long as possible. However, despite your best efforts, at some point, you are going to need a new 125cc 4 stroke engine.
The good news is that you won’t have to guess when this time will arrive. Your old engine will give you signs that it needs replacement. Below are a few of those signs.
Your Bike is Hard to Start
If you see yourself struggling to get the bike started, this could be due to several issues. It might be because of issues with the ignition or a fueling problem. Maybe your decompression system isn’t adjusted correctly. No matter what the problem is, the best course of action is to get a new 125cc 4 stroke engine. Doing so will ensure that all issues are taken care of and that you can quickly and easily start your bike and get riding.
You Don’t Have the Power You Used to Have
When you find yourself cruising along, and it doesn’t feel like you have the same amount of power you used to have, this could be another sign that you need a new engine. A variety of other problems could also cause it, but if you’ve fixed the gaskets, unclogged the air cleaner, and made sure the flow from the carburetor is unrestricted, then it’s time for a new engine.
You Notice Different Colored Smoke
Blue smoke coming out of your exhaust is an indicator that your engine is burning oil. This smoke might be due to faulty valve seals or improperly lubricated gears, among other issues. The best way to fix the problem is to get a new 125cc 4 stroke engine for your bike.
White smoke will come out of your exhaust when your engine burns the coolant. The likely culprit of this issue is a leaky head gasket. Getting a new engine on your bike will take care of this problem and ensure that the machine runs optimally – and that different colored smoke isn’t being blown out of your tailpipe.
You Find Large Pieces of Metal in Your Engine Oil
It’s common to find metallic particles in your engine oil. However, if you see larger metal pieces, this is a sign that it’s time for a new engine. Large metal objects in your oil are an indicator that your bike has damaged components. To keep yourself safe and to keep your bike running correctly, you’ll need to replace the engine.
There’s More Engine Vibration
Vibration is part of riding a dirt bike, but if you notice an excessive amount of it, this could be because there is something wrong with your engine. It could be due to worn crank bearings, a loose clutch, or a mistimed counterbalance, among other problems. Make sure your ride is as smooth as possible by getting a new engine.
To keep your bike running correctly and ensure that you can get out and have some fun, you will need to replace the engine. Your bike will let you know when the time is right, and it’s a good idea to pay attention to the signs.