New Sandero was the best-selling vehicle in consumer sales in May in France.
In a market that contracted 10.3%, the Renault group registered 30,837 vehicles in May (-16.5%), taking a 20.8% share, down 1.5 points on 2012.
The Renault brand registered 24,005 vehicles in May, for a market share of 16.2% (-2 points).
The decrease resulted from:
- Temporary manufacturing constraints linked to the launch of Captur in Europe and the success of our new models, New Clio and New Sandero,
- Renault’s decision to considerably reduce registrations with short-term leasing companies, which are low on profitability (-2,800 units).
New Clio was the top-selling vehicle in France on an aggregate basis for the first five months of the year.
With 7,317 registrations in May and 44,456 for the year to end-May, New Clio remained the top-seller in France at the end of May.
Captur confirmed its positive start in terms of orders. With launch underway in the rest of Europe, registrations are gradually increasing in France, totaling 2,660 in May.
For the year to end-May, Twingo, New Clio, Mégane and Scénic continue to head their respective segments.
With 2,830 registrations at end-May, ZOE, the best-selling electric vehicle in France, accounted for 73% of the electric PC market.
Dacia registered 6,832 vehicles in May, growing its market share 0.5 points and confirming its number-five ranking for the year to end-May. The brand is buoyed by the continued success of New Sandero, the top-selling vehicle in consumer sales in France, with 3,578 registrations.
In a market down 11.2%, the Renault group registered 7,656 vehicles in May (-27.8%), for a 27.1% share of the market.
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