Have you just purchased a new car? You might be wondering how you can keep that shiny, new look from fading and getting scratched. Cars cost a lot of money and you don’t want to be constantly taking them to the garage to be repaired.
Here are four ways in which you can look after your car and keep it safe from harm.
Wrap It
You can take your car to a garage and have it covered with a clear plastic film known as Paint Protection Film (PPF). PPF protects your car from the elements of the weather and chips and scratches. You can decide how much of the car you want to be covered, you can have the whole car protected or just half of it. It also needs to be added to your insurance policy so if anything happens to the protective film on your car it can be replaced. If you are looking for a reputable company to wrap your car then you should consult Armour Doctor.
Cover It
When your car is not being used, so when it is parked you should cover it with a protective cover. This will prevent sun damage and any birds using it as a toilet, especially if you park under trees. Unfortunately, bird excrement can be very harmful to the paint job on your car as it is corrosive. It starts to damage the coat of paint as soon as it lands on your car, so the longer it is left the more damage is done.
You can get universal car covers or specialist ones made especially for your car. You never know what can land on your car when you are away from it so it is best to keep it covered at all times just to be on the safe side.
It will be good for your insurance as well, if a car is covered then vandals are less likely to want to damage it. They would have to go through all the trouble of taking your cover off, so your insurance should be a tiny bit cheaper due to covering it.
Park Far Away
Have you ever noticed when you park in a car park that there are always cars parked far away from the entrance? That is because the owners do not want people parking next to them potentially denting the car or scratching it. You should take the same stance if you want to avoid someone opening their door onto your car or scratching your car on their way in or out then you should be parking where nobody can be bothered to park as it’s too far to walk. It is also great exercise, that’s a win-win.
Keep It In The Garage
When you are not using your car and you are at home, if possible you should park your car in a garage. This protects the car from the harsh effects of the sun’s rays, wind, and rain. Parking in a garage will keep your car safe from rust setting in. People are less likely to crash into your car when it is parked in a garage as well, so less damage and fewer insurance claims. Your insurance premiums will go down when you park in a garage, as your car is classed as being very safe.
We hope this gives you an idea of how to keep your car safe from the weather and people.