As with most people, as soon as you pass your driving text you are automatically hit with the feeling of independence as a whole new world is opened to you. However, driving on your own, on motorways, filling up on fuel are some of the many things that you’ll need to worry about after you have passed your test. By practicing safe driving techniques you’ll be able to increase the odds of you keeping yourself and members of the public safe whilst you’re on the road which in turn will increase your chances of getting cheaper insurance coverage.
It doesn’t matter if you have just passed your test or you have been driving for a long time, here are some tips that you should always abide by;
No phones – The first thing to remember is that you should always avoid looking at you phone while driving. Studies have found that drivers reaction times are so much slower when concentrating on something else. If the call in urgent and you have to pick it up you should pull over in a safe space and then you can pick up the phone.
Knowing your car – It is one thing to pass your pest and another to actually be confident on the road. When you start driving one of the most important things to do is to get to know your car, failure to instinctively know what to do to activate or deactivate a feature on your car in a hurry might lead to serious accidents that could harm yourself or your passenger.
Tyres – Your tyres are the most important feature on your car, and should be treated accordingly. They are the only part of your car that is in constant contact with the road, so it should be in optimal performance condition. You should familiarise yourself with they type of tyre you need, the preferred tyre pressure level and every bump or scratch on your tyres. You should also make sure that you are checking your spare tyre as it might need to be brought up to the big leagues.
Headlights – Your headlights are in place for a reason and in some cases, it is a criminal offense not to use them where appropriate. Using your headlight increases your visibility and helps drivers, pedestrians and cyclists see you in the dark and it is especially important during the winter these winter months.
Speed – Obviously we don’t mean you should speed! We mean you should always be watching the speed limit. It is important to follow the speed limit, they are put in place for a reason by professionals that specialise in safety so should not be taken lightly. In most modern countries, it is a criminal offense to drive over the speed limit and you risk point on your license if not a suspension and also a prison sentence.