When it comes to your car, if you’re really into cars, then you’re always going to want the best. You’ll want the best model, the best car and maintenance, and you’ll always want to know that you can get better. Because unless you’ve been able to get the best possible car that money can buy, there’s always something higher to aim for. Yet, when you’re working hard and you’re still in the budget car range, or just above it, you can feel like that’s never going to happen. But it will. If you do love cars and you dream of owning something pretty spectacular, then you need to make sure that you’re working your way up the car ladder. And yes, this can be something that you can do. Anyone can. As long as you know how.
And that’s what we’re going to cover in this post. Because it’s nice to see what cool cars are about and to know how great they are, but it’s a bit tough when you cannot afford them. Or you feel as if you’re never going to be able to own one yourself. Instead, you need to be working on making one yours. And to do that, you need to get serious about finding the perfect car, knowing what it costs, and then working your way up to it. And to help you with that, we’re going to walk through a few key options that you can use to make sure that you can trade up in the car world.
Set A Goal
First of all, you’re going to want to have a goal here. Because if you don’t have an idea of what you want, then you’re not going to be motivated to get it. Instead, you need to know the exact car that you want. Or the cars you want at each kind of level. Because then you have that image in your mind of what you’re working for.
Look After Your Current Car
And then you need to make sure that you’re taking good care of your car – just as if it was that dream car. Because if you can look after it, you’re going to be able to keep more money in the car, which will help you to get there gradually.
Invest In Your Cars
But then also, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re getting the best value for money when it comes to the cars that you buy. You never want to put money into a car – no matter how inexpensive it costs – to then lose it right away. Instead, you need to make sure that you go out for cars that hold the best value. Because this way, you’re going to be able to add more to it, and get closer to your dream car.
Find Financing
From here, you’re going to want to think about how you’re going to add money to get what you want. Because starting to think about what you want and keeping some money in the car that you have is just the beginning. Next, it’s getting the money together for the car. And for this, you’ll need to think about your options. Sure, there are guarantor loans for car finance to consider. But then, you might want to consider saving for this instead.
Create A Savings Plan
So the next thing, you’re going to want to come up with a way of how you’re going to save. Sit down and actually work out what you earn and see how you can put money aside that is then going to give you the budget you need to be able to buy the next car on the list and trade up.
Look At Your Spending
When it comes to getting the money together, you’re definitely going to want to drill down on what you spend. Because there are always ways to save money each month. And this isn’t anything to do with cutting back, but it’s a great way for you to be able to put more money into savings to get what you want. So be really tough on yourself here.
Sell Your Car
Next, you’re going to want to think about then selling the car that you have now. And hopefully, you’ve made a good investment and you’ve looked after the car well. This way, you can make a bit of money or at least keep as much as the value in it as possible, and then just add a little bit more money to it so that you’re able to trade up.
And then, of course, this is the part when you do upgrade and you continue to upgrade. You take one car, add to it, and then get another, more expensive, more prestigious car. And you continue to do that so that you’re trading up and trading up until you get that dream car.
Start A Business
And if you really want to make a fuss out of this, then you might want to start a business in the automobile field too. Because if you’re flipping cars as a job or you’re working on something car related as a side hustle, it’s going to give you more money to put towards your dream car. And sure, this can be a lot of extra work to take on. But you could even end up doing this full time.
Keep Going
But then finally, you need to be in this for the long run, and you’ve got your eyes on a Ferrari or Maserati or even a Bugatti, then this is something that you just have to keep going with. Whether it takes you two years or twenty to get there, you will get there. But you need to be patient and persistent. And if you do want to get there sooner, then you need to work harder or save more or just do more to make it happen. If you give up, then you’ll never get there.