When you are looking for a new car, do you tend to look for a brand new car, or one that is new to you? While getting a brand new car can be a good thing as you will know exactly where it has been and how it has been treated (plus, you know, bragging rights), there are plenty of reasons why getting a used car can be a good thing too. A car that is one year old is still a used car, even if it has hardly been used. So it is certainly worth taking a look at. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons why buying a used car next time you’re looking, can be a really good thing.
With a few exceptions, it is important to know that cars do depreciate in value. So if you are buying a new car as a form of an investment, then it isn’t going to be a good idea. We are good at taking care of cars, so they are lasting longer, and longer, but they will still lose a lot of their original value in their lifetime. They lose a lot of it in the first few years too, so if you want return on your money, getting a brand new car isn’t the way to do it.
More For Your Money
Say you have a budget of $10,000 for a car; how far would $10,000 get you for a brand new car? The answer is, not all that far, and it could be a pretty basic model at that as well. But think about that same amount of cash for a used car that is a couple of years old? If you looked at somewhere like Harwoods Used Cars you will see how much more you can get for your money. You can get a better model used than you’d be likely to get brand new, and you are more likely to find a car with add-ons or a better model than you’d be able to afford brand new. Good old depreciation, there!
Cheaper Insurance Costs
Your car insurance is calculated looking at a few different things, one of which is the cost of the car you are looking to insure. If the car is a brand new one, it will have a more costly price tag, and your insurer will provide you with a premium that will go along with that price tag. So if you want to pay less, then having an older car can will, in most cases, make your car insurance much cheaper. They won’t have to pay out as much should you need their help so they charge you accordingly.
Vehicle History Reports
If all of these things aren’t swaying you just yet, and you prefer to buy new because you know where it has been or come from, then you need to remember that vehicle history reports are available to check on any car that you’re thinking about buying. Want to check where it has been and if it has been in repairs or accidents, then you can check all of that.