Cars are powerful machines built to last, but they don’t last forever. Sure, looked after well and properly maintained they last a lot longer than many people own them for, but with new models being released it can often make sense to say bye to your beloved banger and upgrade instead. It’s not purely aesthetic either, although admittedly a shiny newer car is no bad thing. Here are some things to bear in mind when it’s time to say goodbye.
Why Upgrade?
If you love your banger and it’s served you well over the years, you might be thinking ‘if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!’ However there are plenty of benefits to updating to a newer model. In the last decade or so, pollution and car emissions have become a hot topic and car manufacturers have taken this on board by creating more environmentally friendly vehicles. You don’t even need to switch to an electric or hybrid model (unless you want to, as these are fantastic!) as even a newer standard petrol or diesel model will be less damaging than in older cars. New cars also have better safety features meaning if you crash you massively improve your chances of surviving or avoiding serious injury. Plus, newer cars are generally more reliable. It’s easier and cheaper to find the parts to replace them when they go wrong too.
Getting Rid Of The Old
If your banger is especially well maintained or a rare model, you could be able to sell it and make some good money. If there’s a collector of retro cars they might want to snap yours up. If it’s long past its best you could have it scrapped- some car scrapping companies even give back to charities. That way you get the scrap value in cash and also know you’re doing your bit to help others too. It’s important that you choose a licenced scrapyard- this prevents the vehicle being unlawfully sold on and potentially even ending up in criminal activity.
Choosing Your Next Car
There are lots of factors to consider when you’re buying your next vehicle. Don’t just rush into it and pick something just based on price or looks. Check out the safety features, how economical it is to run. Test drive a few vehicles so you can get a feel for the handling, and run some quotes through comparison sites to check out how much insurance will cost. If you have a larger family, something like an MPV or SUV might be a good option since you have plenty of boot space and extra seating. If you do a lot of urban driver, a compact model that can get in and out of tight parking spaces and busy streets easily might make more sense. Spend some time deciding exactly what you want, and this car could well last you as long as your current banger!
Are you looking to upgrade your older car? What newer model do you have your eye on?