Buying your first bike is an exciting prospect, but many new bikers can get overwhelmed with the whole process. After all, owning and running a motorcycle isn’t the same as owning a car. There are extra things to consider, as well as some little-known benefits of owning a motorcycle. So, before you jump into things, you should figure out whether it’s for you.
Get the Right License
Different vehicles require different licenses, depending on the unique characteristics and challenges of each vehicle. Many adults have an ordinary driver’s license, which allows them to drive most cars and vans.
However, motorcycle licenses can be a little more complicated. This is because motorcycles have a wide range of engine sizes, ranging from 500cc to 1500cc. Driving a bike with each of these engines is a completely different experience, which means that certain engine sizes require different types of licenses.
Depending on your license, you’ll only be able to drive a bike beneath a certain engine size. If you want to ride something bigger and more powerful, you’ll have to invest in a different license. However, most beginners often prefer to start small, and you can always improve your license in increments if you want to ride something more powerful.
Figure Out the Right Bike
As mentioned earlier, motorbikes can vary widely. Engine size is one aspect of your bike to consider, especially if you’re only licensed for a smaller engine. Buying a bike you can’t legally ride is not the best move, so pay attention to these details.
But there are other things to consider when shopping for your first bike. When you buy anything, the price always comes up. While it would be fantastic to jump to your dream motorbike, starting a little more modestly is often more prudent. One option is to buy a second-hand motorcycle to get you started for a year or two before upgrading to a more long-term ride.
As well as the initial price, factor in the costs of repairs and maintenance. A classic bike is always tempting, but if you can’t afford to replace the parts, it might not be for you. There are a whole host of other things to consider when looking for the best beginner motorcycle, so do your research first. A motorbike is an investment after all, and a pricey one at that.
Get the Right Gear
While you’re buying your motorbike, don’t forget to stock up on the right gear and accessories. First of all, a motorcycle helmet is one of the most important parts of your gear. It protects your head and neck from injury, which is vital when you consider that a motorcycle doesn’t have anywhere near the protection as a car. You can also attach a camera to your helmet, which comes in handy if you ever have to make an insurance claim.
While a helmet will protect your head and neck, protective leather gear will protect the rest of you. It’s recommended that you at least wear a jacket, which protects you from the environment and the wind during your ride, and potentially from nasty scrape injuries. Also, they look great. Protective pants and full suits also keep you insulated and safe.
Motorcycle boots are comfortable and sturdy and are designed to accommodate your bike perfectly. If your bike falls on top of you in an accident, then the boots will also protect your ankles from any injury. Gloves are also great for keeping your hands warm and helping you to grip comfortably onto the bike, and also protect your hands if you fall.
This is the most popular gear available, but many riders choose to wear body armor, extra eye protection, and even ear protection to cope with the constant roar of the engine.
In Case of an Accident
Unfortunately, accidents happen. It’s always best to be prepared, so that that the fallout from the accident itself can be as painless as possible. To do this, be sure to find a trusted insurance provider for your motorbike. Remember, bikes are expensive and one of the best ways to look after them is to make sure that you can repair them if necessary.
You should also be in contact with good motorcycle accident attorneys. Motorcycle accidents are more likely to result in injuries than other accidents, which unfortunately means that getting the needed compensation can be difficult. A lawyer on hand can deal with these issues for you, especially if the accident wasn’t your fault.