Motorcar racing is a dangerous sport. There are always dangers that racers will face on the track, which is why it’s vital to have essential safety gear in their arsenal to mitigate these risks. That said, here are five critical pieces of safety equipment for every racer looking to stay safe both on and off the track.
Safety Harness
Driving a car or motorcycle at high speeds can be pretty dangerous. You never know when you might hit something that will send you flying off the bike, and sometimes it’s too late to react before impact. To keep yourself safe while racing, certain safety harnesses should be on your checklist for race day.
For example, you can buy a 4 point harness for extra support and comfort while driving or riding.
Racing Gloves
A racing glove is a protective garment, typically made from leather or synthetic materials. In some cases, the gloves come insulated to protect hands against extreme heat and cold in high-performance cars. They also often include Kevlar panels for the protection of one’s thumbs and fingers from cuts.
A racing glove should fit tightly around the wrist of a driver’s hand and up their arm for added protection against flying debris on track or contact from other vehicles. Many types of gloves are available, including short-fingered gloves that provide less coverage but have more dexterity than long-fingered gloves.
Race Suit
Racers need to invest in a race suit that provides full-body protection. The best suits have fireproof material and have zippered ventilation openings and cotton liners.
HANS (Hand and Neck Support)
The HANS device is a safety measure to reduce severe head injuries risk during racing cars, such as whiplash or skull fractures due to sudden impacts.
The HANS device consists of a soft, form-fitting collar made from neoprene and polyester to provide comfort and stability for the driver’s neck and two arched aluminium bars designed to rest on top of flat surfaces in front of and behind the driver’s seat. It also has a tether made of high-strength nylon to secure the driver’s head in place and a four-point mounting system.
The purpose of the HANS device is to prevent whiplash or other neck injuries during accidents. You should wear it at all times in any racing car and under a helmet, as it cannot protect against head injuries if not used with one. In addition, the collar helps stabilise the head so that you can better control the car’s movements.
Auto Racing Helmets
Motorcar racing helmets are an essential aspect of safety gear for drivers. They provide structural support to the head and neck while providing a protective barrier from foreign objects. The helmet should be comfortable, lightweight, well ventilated, have padding that is not too thick or thin, and come with emergency release features such as a quick-release chin strap so that you can remove it quickly.
The helmet should also come with an approved face shield that is scratch resistant and has extra protection for the forehead and good ventilation to cool the driver’s head during longer races.
The above items are a few of the essential safety gear that every motorcar racer should invest in. Whether you’re racing for fun or professionally, these items are a must. However, there may be other things that pertain to your specific needs as well.