How to Calculate Auto Transport Cost?
Which Factors Come into Play when Calculating Car Transport Quotes?
If you think you have to wait until your car is shipped and delivered to know how much you##Q##ll pay, think again. No one would ever want to ship their vehicles if that##Q##s the way it worked. Instead, you will always be apprised of your auto transport cost ahead of time in the form of a quote. In some cases, these quotes can be generated in minutes. Other times, you might have to wait longer to receive your quote.
Type of Vehicle to be transported
One factor that plays a pivotal role when determining car shipping cost is the type of vehicle that##Q##s being shipped. More expensive vehicles are more expensive to ship because the liability is higher. If something goes wrong, the auto transport company will have to pay more to make things right.
Origin and Destination
The farther your vehicle needs to be taken, the higher your car transport costs are going to be. That makes sense for a number of reasons. Most notably, a lot more gas is used for long-distance deliveries. The extra time that is involved tends to result in a higher car shipping cost. When requesting car transport quotes, you##Q##ll find that prices are lower when vehicles are picked up and delivered in major metropolitan areas.
Car Shipping Dates
When an auto transport company has many deliveries scheduled, the auto transport is costlier. Summer is the busiest time of year for vehicle shipping companies and rates skyrocket. If your top concern is pricing, you can wait until the fall, winter or spring to ship your vehicle.
Auto Shipping Method
Your auto transport cost depends on how you choose to have your vehicle shipped. The standard and most cost-effective way to ship a vehicle is on one of those large, multilevel, open car carrier trucks. Car companies and dealerships use trucks like these to get vehicles from one place to another. They are reliable, but they aren##Q##t suitable for all situations. If you need to ship a classic car, custom car or some luxury vehicle, you##Q##re probably going to need enclosed auto shipping.
Vehicle Drop-Off or Pick-Up Service
Most people prefer their vehicle delivered right to their doors. This isn##Q##t always an option because large trucks can##Q##t navigate through narrow residential streets. Shipping companies can arrange to meet customers at nearby locations though.