Sometimes in an accident, there’s a definite place to lay the blame. One driver may blatantly breach road rules. In this case, you’ll be in no doubt straight away about what happened and why. You’ll know whether you need to defend or attack. The chances are that you’ll even start making plans from seconds after the collision.
At other times, though, it isn’t always clear who, if anyone, is at fault. Sometimes, there really is no ‘blame’ in cases like these. At other times, mistakes are so small that they aren’t initially clear to the wronged or wronging party. That could leave you uncertain about what your initial plan of action should be. It could even leave you open to significant trouble down the line.
Of course, for the most part, legal entities and insurance companies take the helm with issues like these. But, there will be a period between the collisions and their arrival when you’re left alone with the other driver. Though you may not realize it, this time could be vital to unlocking what happened. For example, the following are all signs that the other driver may be at fault, after all.
Fast accusations
If you’re not sure what happened, having accusations thrown at you could leave you thinking you were in the wrong. And, there’s no denying that may have been the case. But, it’s also worth wondering whether the other party protests too much. This is especially the case if they point the finger before you manage to say anything. We all try to detract attention when we know we’ve done something wrong, after all. So, never let another party guilt you into an untrue admission. Instead, stay pragmatic, and see this as a warning sign rather than proof of your guilt.
The stench of booze
If you’re involved in a DUI accident, the cause isn’t always apparent straight away. This is an issue when you consider that things like breathalyzer tests on the scene are essential for proof. As such, it’s well worth taking note of any alcohol you smell on the other driver. If you do get a whiff or two, keep it quiet and ask the police to do the necessary tests. Being on the ball in this way could see you clearing your name and gaining everything you deserve to get back on your feet.
A story which doesn’t add up
Depending on the length of your wait, there’s also a chance you and the other driver will exchange your accounts of what happened. Some discrepancies are natural, as shock and different viewpoints come into play. But, if the other driver’s story varies wildly from yours, it’s a sign they’re trying to paint things in a particular light. The main thing to remember here is that you shouldn’t let their version of events sway you. Instead, stick to what you know happened. It may even be worth considering small details which could prove that you’re right rather than the other person.