However long you’ve been driving, whatever your age, your car can drain your finances like nothing else. Driving is a huge monetary commitment, but that’s the price we have to pay in order to enjoy the freedom that driving allows us. However, if you’re wondering why your car is taking up so much of your cash, you might find the answer below. Take a look and save some money:
You’re Wasting Money On Petrol
It’s obvious that those who use the car a lot end up spending far more on petrol than those who don’t. Perhaps you’re wasting money by driving places you could easily walk, or by buying premium petrol when your car doesn’t really need it. If you find that people are taking advantage of you because you can drive, for example, expecting lifts everywhere, start asking for money.
Commercial fueling stations are cheaper than privately owned ones, so remember this. Bear in mind that the more weight you have in the car the more fuel your car will use – keeping your tyres inflated helps to save fuel, too.
You Haven’t Chosen The Right Car
If you’ve chosen a car that doesn’t suit your lifestyle and drinks fuel like there’s no tomorrow, of course it’s going to be affecting your finances. Having a rough idea of what a car will cost you will help you to choose a more suitable model. If the car is sensible, the less insurance you’ll have to pay. Ensure you look at the fuel economy, too. Flashy cars are nice, but they will cost you a lot.
You’re Not Taking Steps To Save On Your Insurance
Taking certain steps will help you to bring down your insurance premiums. For example, by looking at Blackbox My Car you can get a dash cam to prove you are a safe driver and protect you in the event of an accident. You should also make sure you invest in other safety features, and protect any no claims bonuses.
You Aren’t Keeping Your Car In Great Condition
Car maintenance should be a concern of yours. Taking on some basic maintenance yourself is a good first step towards saving money. In some cases, you can end up spending $70 per hour for labour costs alone at a garage. You can put air in your own tyres, and perhaps rotate them yourself. You can check your oil, change your wiper blades, and take on other basic tasks.
You’re Spending A Fortune On Parking And Toll Fees
If you park in town and city centres a lot, these fees will add up. Using apps can help you to find a cheaper place to park. Avoiding toll roads will help you to save, too, providing it won’t add too much distance to your journey time and therefore cost you more in fuel.
Are you doing any of the above things, causing your car to drain your finances? Leave your comments below and let us know how you’re going to rectify it!