5 Great and Useful Car Gadgets

5 Great and Useful Car Gadgets

5 Great and Useful Car Gadgets
5 Great and Useful Car Gadgets

Navigation System, Backup Camera, Car Video Recorder, Lane Departure Warning System, and Self-Parking.

As technology evolves at an exponential rate, there are huge influxes of gadgets to attach and use in a car.

How many of them are actually necessary? Well, ‘necessity’ rarely matters when it comes to our cars, so there’s really no need to argue!

However, there are certain gadgets that have proven universally useful because of the efficiency and safety value they add.

1. X Marks the Spot

People get lost all the time, and let’s face it, we’ve all been there. The solution? Get a navigation system. Once you’ve used a navigation system to drive around for awhile, you’ll pick it up easily.

Driving’s primary function is to get from point A to point B, and those points are going to change a lot through the course of your driving career. Going on vacation, relocating for a new job, visiting a friend, the list goes on. Having a navigation system can make driving less painful and time consuming, which makes it one of the best gadgets to have in a car.

2. You Want Me to Park Where?

Remember the last part of the driving test when you were trying to get your license? You either passed it, or your proctor let you off easy. There really is no middle ground when it comes to parallel parking.

Some people can pull it off and some can’t. That’s the way it was, but not anymore. Now you can get a self-parking gadget installed. All you need to do is enter a few parameters and you’re good to go. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people drive back home because they found out the place they wanted to go required them to parallel park.

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A self-parking system will help an unfathomable number of people to properly park in difficult situations.

3. Eyes in the Back of Your Head

Some people get lost, some can’t park, and some people simply can’t back up. Back up cameras can help drivers get out of parking spots efficiently and safely. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and the parking lot will be accommodating and give you plenty of room to maneuver.

Still, there will be plenty of times when it’s dark and/or space is tight. Whatever the case may be, you can never go wrong with a backup camera. More vision while using a car is never a bad thing, and anyone should take the opportunity to install one in their car.

4. Did Anybody get that License Plate Number?

For those of you who don’t get into accidents, congratulations.
Unfortunately, the rest of us normal people will inevitably get into one or more accidents no matter how careful we are.

Sometimes, it’s simply out of our control. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t maximize what we can do to rectify the situation afterwards. For that, we have the car video recorder.

We would all like to think that if someone were to run into us, that they would at least have the decency to stop and exchange insurance information. Sadly, this isn’t always the case.

Hit and runs happen all the time, and the human eye can’t always catch the license plate number on that speeding car.

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Investing a little into a car video recorder to save thousands in the future is a smart move on anyone’s part.

Even if it’s not a hit and run, sometimes recorded footage can help clear up any issues or misunderstandings with the other party. All in all, a car video recorder is always a solid investment.

5. Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle

Every one accidentally moves out of their lane sometimes. Some people tire easily when they drive, and others get distracted by their music or cell phone conversations. For everything, there’s the lane departure warning system.

Whether you’re failing asleep, texting, or distracted, the lane departure warning system will notify you if you’re deviating from your lane using a buzzer, a visual cue, or a seat vibrator. Not to say that this will fix all of those problems, because it obviously doesn’t, but it does drastically improve safety.

We’re humans and we make mistakes. Every once in a while we need a reminder to get back on track, whether it is figuratively in life or literally on the road.

Are these gadgets absolutely necessary? Not at all. Yet, having them makes driving safer and more efficient. You put those two together and what you get is a pleasant driving experience.

Be sure to pick up a couple – or all – of these gadgets whenever you can. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Some cars even come with a lot of these features pre-installed. Treat yourself!

Guest post provided by Park Place Dealerships. Park Place specializes in new and used luxury cars.

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