Thanks for your interest in guest posting on! I’m always interested in receiving well-written, unique posts from a variety of standpoints which will encourage and inspire my readers.
Before submitting your post for consideration, please note the following guidelines:
■ Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. Your submission will be reviewed and if it will benefit Autospeedmarket readers, it is likely to be published.
■ In keeping with the spirit of, guest posts should offer practical, automotive tips, car and driving advice or ideas.
■ Preference will be given to those who demonstrate a genuine interest in as a reader or follower. Submissions with a “visit my site” or “check out my product” type feel will not be accepted. Likewise, submissions which appear to be strictly PR– or SEO-related will not be accepted.
■ Posts must be high-quality, original content (i.e. not published anywhere else online).
■ Use of bullets, lists and short paragraphs is highly encouraged as it makes reading much easier.
■ Please do not email your submission in HTML format or in a Word or text document. Simply type your post in your email and attach relevant images to the email (if applicable).
■ Please make a concerted effort to use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Due to time constraints, submissions which require excessive editing cannot be accepted.
■ Include a short bio (50 words or less) at the end of your post.
■ does not offer monetary compensation for guest posts at this time.