2011 Best SuperBowl commercials for auto industry

Despite Eminem getting in the way, this was our favorite “serious” ad shown during the big game. Kudos, Chrysle

Around 40 years of classic TV highlights, retouched nicely with their corresponding NFL team gear

With the same life-saving capabilities as Lassie, how could the Chevy Silverado not be 2011 Motor Trend Truck of the Year

Audi’s Startled Smart program is so good, it startles the unstartleable

The 2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid reminds us that change is good. Although that looks like it would really tone your back-side

Those Ancient Mayans will go though some great lengths to get their hands on a new Kia Optima. That must be some ride

If you watch this ad for the 21st century Beetle, be prepared to sing Whoa, Black Betty Bam-ba-lam over and over for the rest of the day

Taking a hammer to a new Camero doesn’t seem like a brillant idea, especially a transforming alien robot one

Size matters not as this mini Vader uses the force against the 2012 VW Passat

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The world’s most popular roadster, the Mazda MX-5, has a whole new look. After 25 years and over 947,00 sales worldwide, the new fourth-generation 2014 Mazda MX-5 (known as the Mazda Miata in the US) has finally been revealed. The MX-5 is one of Mazda’s most iconic models
All-new Mazda MX-5 Roaster
The centrepiece of the Mercedes-AMG GT, the new 4.0-litre V8 biturbo, responds instantly with extreme power right from low revs and delivers outstanding performance.
The new Mercedes-AMG GT
The Alfa Romeo has become synonymous with style. Many people crave the look of an Alfa. However, this car is not a one trick pony. It performs as well as it looks. For many, they feel that they have to compromise style over speed. With an Alfa, this is simply not the case.
The Classic Alfa Romeo Montreal: Is it Worth the Hype?

Sport car of the month

Discover All-new Jaguar F-Type Coupe & R


All-new Jaguar F-Type Coupe & R

5-liter supercharged V8 engine and will reach 60 mph in 4.0 seconds, and a top speed of 186 mph (electronically limited)2. The F-TYPE S Coupe and F-TYPE Coupe are powered by 3-liter supercharged V6 engines in 380hp and 340hp forms respectively, giving 0-60 mph in 4.8/5.1 seconds and top speeds of 171/161 mph2.

The F-TYPE Coupe visual message is defined by three key ‘heart lines’, that visual message beginning with the formidable grille. It is from the twin ‘shark gill’ openings that sit either side of the grille that the essential first heart line – which mirrors the design of the F-TYPE Convertible – flows and begins to take shape. Running up through the headlamp, and accentuated by the LED ‘J blade’ signature running lamps, the line then arcs up over the front wheel arch before dropping elegantly as it runs through the door, washing out into the muscular rear haunch.

The second heart line begins at the rear edge of the door, swelling outwards and upwards to create a visually strong wheel arch, emphasizing the car’s rear-wheel drive layout, before dropping vertically through the tail lamp ...

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